An analysis of the satisfaction of enterprises for one-stop-shop mechanism for starting a business in cantho city


Huynh Van Tung

JEL Classification: M10, D03.


The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the satisfaction of enterprises for one-stop-shop mechanism for starting a business in Can Tho City. Some solutions for improving the service quality of one-stop-shop division are proposed.

The research methods include descriptive statistics, factor analysis, test sample pairs and Probit analysis. The result of factor analysis shows that there are five groups of factor with Eigenvalue>1 and these factors are used as new variables in the regression analysis. It in turn indicates that the variables groups of time, information and feedback, reliability, skill and approachability, expenses, and age of people contacting for procedure, all, are variables affecting the general satisfaction of enterprises for the one- stop- shop division. Moreover, the test sample pairs showing the difference between expectation and experience obtains the statistical significance.

Key words: one-stop-shop mechanism, enterprises satisfaction, service quality, competition.

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